Spa Party

Age Recommended from 4-13 years old
Public holiday surcharge & Sundays 10%
travel fees may apply
Duration: 1.5 hrs service time
+30 mins set up
Times available are Fridays 4.30pm,
Saturdays & Sundays 10am or 2pm
School holidays everyday
- Glitter Girls Printable Invitations
- Soft Satin Matching Spa Robes
- Cute Seating provided
- Hollywood makeup station
- Personalised Birthday Signage
- Music & Speaker
- Children’s Magazines to read
- Birthday badge & tiara for birthday girl
- Salted Popcorn
- Sparkling Pink lemonade flutes
Pamper Services
- Warm relaxing Foot Soak
- Beautifully polished all nails
- Hand & arm massages
- Age appropriate Makeup~Eyeshadow, shimmer, pretty jewels & Lipstick
- Festival Glitter hair ($10pp)
- One Signature Hair Braid each($20pp)
- colour extension to hair braid ($20pp)
- Diva Dress up props & red carpet
- fun games
- Make a friendship Bracelet to swap with your bestie ($10pp)
- Studio available enquire about cost.
*Travel fees apply
Studio available enquire about cost.
Extra Services
🌸bejeweled faces $15pp
🌸pamper gift bags $20pp
🌸glitter hair $10pp
🌸glitter tattoos $10pp
🌸lucky dip $10pp

Boys can also be included !
- Painted nails
- Dragon, shark, snake glitter tattoos
- Coloured hair
- Spider Face paint + more (extra cost)

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